Emotional state recognition in speech signal

Emotional state recognition in speech signal

Volume 2, Issue 3, Page No 1654-1659, 2017

Author’s Name: Krystian Kapalaa), Dawid Krawczyk, Stefan Brachmanski

View Affiliations

Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, Department of Acoustics and Multimedia, Faculty of Electronics, Wybrzeze Wyspianskiego 27, 50-372 Wrocław, Poland

a)Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: krystian.kapala@pwr.edu.pl

Adv. Sci. Technol. Eng. Syst. J. 2(3), 1654-1659 (2017); a  DOI: 10.25046/aj0203205

Keywords: Speech signal processing, Emotion recognition



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The matters regarding speech signal processing and analyzing in terms of emotional states recognition were presented in this paper. An experiment was conducted to perform both objective and subjective emotional states recognition tests for Polish language.

Received: 05 April 2017, Accepted: 24 June 2017, Published Online: 24 August 2017

1. Introduction

The aim of the experiment was to test the effectiveness of fixed seven emotional states recognition. Tests were carried out with use of Polish language speech recordings from two acoustic databases. Samples consisted of professional actor and amateur speakers voice recordings. During studies, an objective, computer method was used composed of speech signal parameters extraction, selection of parameter vectors, and classification tests. The investigations were extended by carrying out subjective emotional state recognition tests performed by group of respondents. In various cases [1] emotional states investigations are implemented, e.g. in automated systems, analysing customer satisfaction level in telecommunication companies hotline systems. The experiments described in the paper should be regarded as pilot studies. However, their subsequent development could contribute to emergence of an automatic system, designed for Polish language, capable of recognizing emotions in speech signal.

2. Acoustic Databases Acquisition

Emotions are one of the most important elements of human life. We can define them as short and usually strong mental arousal induced under the influence of a particular stimulus, often leading to physical reaction. For example, a person in a state of anger, joy or fear usually responds by speaking louder, faster and with increased energy in the higher frequency band.

A popular way of classification is the division of emotions into basic and complex. Basic emotions are up to a dozen [2], and they result from the natural human reactions, while the complex states are to be their appropriate combinations. Despite the lack of consensus on a single set of basic emotions, there is one popular theory named “The big six” by Paul Ekman [3]. Accordingly, basic emotional states are: joy, anger, disgust, surprise, fear and sadness. They can be recognized from facial expressions, gestures and voice, even by people from different cultures, speaking different languages. The studies of emotional states in the speech, in some cases, use only 3 states [4]: positive, negative and neutral. However, due to its versatility and easy recognition “big six” was chosen for conducted experiment.

Emotional state databases contain 3 types of recordings:

  • Spontaneous speech recordings.
  • Forced emotional states recordings.
  • Simulated emotions recordings.

Spontaneous speech databases include recordings of emotions induced in a natural way. To create this type of database usually recordings from multiple sources are used. These include conversations with emergency dispatchers [5], utterances of the participants of TV game shows, journalist relations from dramatic events and the interaction with a robot. Second type of databases include collections of enforced emotions recordings. Each emotional state in speakers voice needs to be induced. It is possible, e.g. through, presentation of movies or recordings stimulating appropriate emotions. Another, slightly more controversial method relies on putting speaker in a stressful situation. The advantage of this type of database is to obtain naturally excited emotions.

The result of this work was development of two acoustic databases (MD – amateur and TS – professional speaker). The structure of each was divided into training and testing sets. The first (MD) training set contained 543 recordings of women and 556 men. Test set consisted of 509 women recordings and 510 men. In total MD database was composed of 2118 recordings. TS base contained only one speaker recordings. Training and test sets consisted of adequately 219 and 243 recordings, in total – 462.

Table 1. Comparison of databases

Place of recordings WUT recording studio Amateur recording studio
Microphone T-Bone SCT 700 – condenser Shure SM 58 – dynamic
Mixer Yamaha 03D Behringer Eurorack mx – 802a
Sound Card SoundMax Integrated Digital Audio Sound Blaster Audigy 2 NX
Sampling frequency 44.1 kHz 44.1 kHz
Resolution 16 bits 24 bits
Language Polish Polish
Speakers Amateurs – men and women Professional actor
Speakers number 6 male, 7 female 1 male
Utterances 10 sentences 10 nearly identical sentences
Simulated emotions 6 + neutral state 6 + neutral state
Number of recordings At least 1 At least 6

Recording sessions for each database were carried out in different conditions as Table 1 shows. A set of 10 sentences was selected, and put in the following order (translations in brackets).

  • Jutro pójdziemy do kina.
    • (Tomorrow we are going to the cinema.)
  • Musimy się spotkać.
    • (We have to meet.)
  • Najlepsze miejsca są już zajęte.
    • (The best seats are already occupied.)
  • Powinnaś zadzwonić wieczorem.
    • (You should have called yesterday.)
  • To na pewno się uda.
    • (I am sure it will succeed.)
  • Ona koniecznie chce wygrać.
    • (She really wants to win.)
  • Nie pij tyle kawy.
    • (Do not drink that much coffee.)
  • Zasuń za sobą krzesło.
    • (Tuck in your chair.)
  • Dlaczego on jeszcze nie wrócił.
    • (Why has not he returned yet.)
  • Niech się pan zastanowi.
    • (Think about it, sir.)

Table 2. Phonems appearance frequencies in databases

Phonem Frequency [%] Phonem Frequency [%]
e 11.67 12.43 ʧ 1.67 2.16
a 10 9.73 d 1.67 1.62
o 8.33 8.11 l 1.67 1.62
n 6.11 5.95 w 1.11 1.08
j 5.00 5.41 g 1.11 1.08
v 4.44 4.32 ʦ 1.11 1.08
i 3.89 3.78 x 1.11 1.08
p 3.89 3.78 õ 1.11 1.08
u 3.89 3.78 b 0.56 0.54
ɲ 3.89 3.78 ʥ 0.56 0.54
t 3.33 3.24 c 0.56 0.54
s 3.33 3.24 ʣ 0.56 0.54
i 2.78 2.70 0 0
m 2.78 2.70 ɳ 0 0
ɕ 2.78 2.70 Ɉ 0 0
z 2.78 2.70 ʤ 0 0
k 2.22 2.16 ʑ 0 0
r 2.22 2.16 f 0 0
ʨ 2.22 2.16 ȝ 0 0
ʃ 1.67 2.16 # 0 0

Databases of simulated emotional states include recordings of either amateur or professional speakers. This type is the easiest to obtain and analyze. Recording conditions may be adjusted. The list of utterances, with suggested emotional states and number of repetitions are prepared before the recordings. Typically they contain recordings of single sentences, sometimes longer statements [5]. Usually, the content of spoken sentences is not emotionally characterized (e.g. interrogative sentences are rarely used, for possible suggestion of surprise). The biggest drawback is the difference between the natural and simulated emotions, which is impossible to determine. In addition an amateur speaker may simulate either expressively or faintly, which may also affect the results of subsequent analysis. There are many databases of simulated emotional states recorded in multiple languages e.g.. Spanish [6], German [7], Danish [8] or Polish [9].

3. Parameters and vector selection

Recognition of emotions in utterances requires parameterization of the speech signal. After parameters extraction investigated acoustic material is represented by a vector of extracted features. Unfortunately, there is no universal set of parameters allowing to achieve optimum subsequent analysis, therefore usually a large number of parameters is extracted, which then is used for determining the most representative sets of features – selection.

The following parameters were selected and extracted for further analysis:

  • Pitch frequency,
  • The first four formant frequencies,
  • Intensity of the speech signal,
  • LPC coefficients.

Parameters extraction was conducted with Praat and jAudio software. Parameters were characterized with values such as minimum, maximum, mean, median, standard deviation, range and mean absolute slope. Extracted features were exported to a text file and each sample was assigned to a specific emotional state. Parameters selection was conducted in Weka software [10] with usage of ChiSquaredAttributeEval algorithm.

4. Classification

As first trials showed algorithms using support vector machines [11-13] were the most effective, thus both SVC were selected to carry out the final tests. Table 3 presents the effectiveness of various algorithms used for database classification.

Most often training sets contain linearly inseperable data. In these situations algorithms that allow for the existence of components beyond the margin are used e.g. C-SVC. When forming the hyperplane, requirements reduction is determined with special value. Parameter C (cost) is responsible for the number of vectors inside the margin. Its value is determined experimentally in order to obtain maximum efficiency of classification process. Increasing the parameter C causes an effect similar to the linear classification. Small values allow to adjust the hyperplane to the training set.

Tests were performed for the seven cases of various TS (professional actor) and MD (amateur speakers) training and test sets combinations (Table 4).

The algorithm using -SVC classification is very similar to C-SVC. An additional parameter is  coefficient with a value between <0; 1>. This parameter specifies the number of possible violations found in the case of linear classification and the number of support vectors. With increasing  value the amount of vectors within the margin increases. When  coefficient has a value of 0, linear classification is performed.

LibSVM library imported to Weka software enabled conducting classification processes with usage of support vector classifiers such as C-SVC and -SVC. During tests -SVC algorithm showed better effectiveness, thus further classification results were described only for this method.

Table 3. Recognition results for selected algorithms

Used classifier Effectiveness [%]
Fast decision tree [14] 55.82
K-star 56.04
NN [15] 56.62
KNN5[16] 59.08
KNN10 57.31
Naive Bayes [16] 38.57
Multi layer perceptron 52.60


(polynomial kernel)



(radial basis kernel)



(polynomial kernel)



(radial basis kernel)


Table 4. Test and training sets combinations

No Test set Training set Test symbol

Table 5. Summary of selected parameters



Pitch frequency F0 average, maximum, minimum, range, median average, maximum, minimum, range, median, standard deviation, mean absolute slope average, maximum, minimum, range, median, standard deviation, mean absolute slope
Speech signal intensity average, maximum, minimum, range, median, standard deviation average, maximum, minimum, range, median, standard deviation average, maximum, range, median, standard deviation
Formant F1 average, median bandwidth mean average, median
Formant F2 average, median, bandwidth mean average, range, median, bandwidth mean average, median, standard deviation, mean absolute slope
Formant F3 average, median, bandwidth mean bandwidth mean
Formant F4 average, median, bandwidth mean average, minimum, range, median, standard deviation average, median
LPC parameters  (2, 3, 4, 8, 9, 10 order mean values)  (2, 3, 4, 6 order mean values) (2, 3, 4, 8, 9, 10, 11 order mean values)

5. Results presentation

Recognition efficiency results for each emotional state and all 7 test were presented in confusion matrixes, respectively Tables 6-12.

Conducted classification tests brought varied results. The lowest effectiveness was achieved for different database training and test set cases. In case of MD test and TS training set, overall effectiveness was 21.6%. Fear and surprise were recognized with the best score – above 40%. State of anger was recognized as fear 75 times out of 157 samples. The opposite situation (MD training, TS test set) improved results to 29.6%. Anger and neutral emotional states were recognized in 54.1 and 57.6% of cases.

Table 6. Confusion matrix (MD>MD)

anger neutral joy sadness fear disgust surprise Effectiveness [%]
anger 106 6 14 4 13 10 4 67.5
neutral 2 103 1 24 1 23 1 66.5
joy 15 8 91 0 10 12 11 61.9
sadness 1 26 3 99 2 18 0 66.4
fear 11 2 14 8 77 8 7 60.6
disgust 10 9 7 27 5 81 5 56.3
surprise 7 5 5 5 12 7 99 70.7

Table 7. Confusion matrix (TS>TS)

anger neutral joy sadness fear disgust surprise Effectiveness [%]
anger 33 0 3 0 1 0 0 89.2
neutral 0 28 0 0 2 2 1 84.8
joy 6 0 26 0 1 0 2 74.3
sadness 0 0 0 27 3 4 2 75.0
fear 2 0 3 0 24 4 0 72.7
disgust 0 1 4 2 1 23 3 67.6
surprise 2 1 4 0 3 3 22 62.9

Table 8. Confusion matrix (TS+MD>MD)

anger neutral joy sadness fear disgust surprise Effectiveness [%]
anger 116 3 13 1 9 9 6 73,9
neutral 1 84 6 20 2 42 0 54,2
joy 16 5 95 0 9 12 10 64,6
sadness 3 23 4 84 1 30 4 56,4
fear 11 2 21 3 77 4 9 60,6
disgust 13 6 12 15 1 87 10 60,4
surprise 8 3 8 5 10 8 98 70

Table 9. Confusion matrix (TS+MD>TS)

anger neutral joy sadness fear disgust surprise Effectiveness [%]
anger 27 0 8 0 2 0 0 73.0
neutral 1 27 3 2 0 0 0 81.8
joy 10 0 16 0 6 0 3 45.7
sadness 0 17 1 12 0 2 4 33.3
fear 6 5 7 6 6 3 0 18.2
disgust 1 12 11 2 1 3 4 8.8
surprise 1 3 5 4 4 3 15 42.9

Table 10. Confusion matrix (TS>MD)

anger neutral joy sadness fear disgust surprise Effectiveness [%]
anger 9 0 41 0 75 10 22 5.7
neutral 0 1 1 29 48 36 40 6.0
joy 13 2 38 1 37 26 30 25.9
sadness 0 2 14 36 23 19 55 24.2
fear 11 0 34 5 56 5 16 44.1
disgust 5 1 17 31 43 19 28 13.2
surprise 4 0 37 1 31 6 61 43.6

Maximum efficiency results as expected, were achieved while using training and test sets from the same databases. In case of MD database overall performance was 64.4%. The best result for single state concerned surprise – 70.7%, the worst one, disgust 56.3%. In the classification conducted on sets from the database TS total effectiveness of 75.3% was obtained. Most likely this was a result of single person recordings within database – professional actor using similar expression of emotions in each repeated sentence. All the emotions were identified with efficiency higher than 60%, achieving the best results for anger – 89.2% and neutral state – 84.8%.

Important tests were also carried out for combined training sets of both databases (TS+MD). The conducted classifications highest score (62,9%) was obtained for the test set derived from the MD database. The lowest result was (49,6%) observed in case of TS database test set. Anger state recognition results in both cases were very similar, whereas in case of neutral state for TS derived test set was higher by nearly 30%. The rest of the emotional states were recognized with greater efficiency when testing MD derived set. It should be noted that the recognition results for TS test set in case of single emotional states were varied – the respective values ranged between 8.8 and 81.8%. An experiment was also conducted on combined collection of training and test sets of both databases. The overall result was 57.4%. The results for individual emotional states recognition were similar to the ones obtained when testing MD database itself, most likely due to the impact of large number of samples from the MD database. They were not strongly diversified and the results for all emotional states exceeded 50%. Adding TS training set deteriorated 4 emotional states recognition effectiveness by approximately 10%, leaving the rest with similar results.

Table 11. Confusion matrix (MD>TS)

anger neutral joy sadness fear disgust surprise Effectiveness [%]
anger 20 1 7 0 7 0 2 54.1
neutral 2 19 1 9 0 2 0 57.6
joy 13 0 6 0 7 0 9 17.1
sadness 0 19 0 10 0 4 3 27.8
fear 8 4 5 1 2 13 0 6.1
disgust 3 14 9 2 0 2 4 5.9
surprise 3 1 5 6 4 3 13 37.1

Table 12. Confusion matrix (TS+MD>TS+MD)

anger neutral joy sadness fear disgust surprise Effectiveness [%]
anger 122 3 39 2 12 11 5 62.9
neutral 2 99 10 27 3 46 1 52.7
joy 21 5 116 0 16 13 11 63.7
sadness 5 25 9 107 1 35 3 57.8
fear 14 4 35 7 83 9 8 51.9
disgust 14 11 24 18 5 94 12 52.8
surprise 10 4 17 10 16 15 103 58.9

6. Empirical studies

Empirical studies were done in two stages. The first step involved preparing the appropriate test material from both acoustic databases. Step two involved empirical research and analysis of results.

The task of the person taking part in the experiment was to assign the proper emotional state to each sample. The selection was made from only seven states (6 basic and neutral one). Preliminary studies have shown that the test material meets the criteria of objectivity. After listening to each sound sample, the listener was supposed to determine what emotional content it was carrying. The listener answered by clicking on the appropriate emotional state button. If in doubt, the sample could be replayed. A picture representing questionnaire appearance was added below (Figure 1)

The first step was to determine the number of people to take part in the experiment so that the results could be representative. The selected group consisted of 10 people (2 female, 8 male participants). Age of group members varied between 26 and 32.

Survey was composed of two parts. The first one referred to recordings from the amateur speakers database. Table 13 presents the recognition effectiveness for each individual participant. It turns out that the accuracy of their emotional states recognition in given experiment ranged between 55 and 70 percent. These results could be the beginning of an interesting discussion connected with their interpretation. Psychological reasons were omitted in this article. They will be addressed during subsequent studies.

Figure 1. Questionnaire used in subjective tests

Table 13. Test participants results

Number of samples Participant ID Right answers Effectiveness [%]
266 1 146 54,9
267 2 151 56,6
266 3 154 57,9
267 4 157 58,8
266 5 162 60,9
267 6 166 62,2
267 7 172 64,4
267 8 180 67,4
267 9 180 67,4
267 10 188 70,4
In total In total: Average:
2667 1656 62,1

A confusion matrix was presented (Table 14), which also show the effectiveness of recognizing individual emotional states. The best recognized emotion for ameteur speakers among the participants was „surprise”, which reached almost 75 percent of the correct interpretations. The worst state to determine was “disgust”. This state was correctly identified in 40 percent of cases.

Table 14. Confusion matrix (amateurs)

anger neutral joy sadness fear disgust surprise Effectiveness [%]
anger 236 39 14 8 14 38 10 65.7
neutral 5 257 3 62 7 32 1 70.0
joy 14 62 210 1 25 16 20 60.3
sadness 2 45 3 231 20 46 4 65.8
fear 18 33 13 27 176 28 26 54.8
disgust 22 77 2 71 11 149 40 40.0
surprise 8 5 10 5 30 28 253 74.6

In the second part of the survey, the respondents were presented with sound samples of professional actor voice (confusion matrix in Table 15). The best interpreted state was “anger” recognized correctly in all cases. The least effectiveness was achieved for fear, where efficiency was only 20%. In fact fear was even more times interpreted as anger which could indicate on quite specific, different actor expression.

Table 15. Confusion matrix (professional)

anger neutral joy sadness fear disgust surprise effectiveness [%]
anger 29 0 0 0 0 0 0 100
neutral 1 28 0 0 0 1 0 93,3
joy 1 1 29 0 0 0 0 93,5
sadness 2 8 0 12 2 6 0 40
fear 9 5 0 4 6 4 2 20
disgust 7 5 0 0 2 15 1 50
surprise 0 0 4 0 0 1 25 83,3

The differences in test results obtained from both parts of empirical studies seem to be quite obvious, given the various  way of expression. Actor utterances could have been significantly different from the amateur’s in pace or dynamics of the voice. Another important fact is the use of only one speaker in comparison with 13 people (both genders) in amateur database. Table 16 shows the results of emotion recognition for each recorded speaker. Attention was drawn to the fact that some non-professional speakers have gained better interpretation results of their emotions.

Table 16. Speakers individual results

Speaker ID
(M- Male, F-Female):
Number of samples Right answers Effectiveness [%]
M4 198 96 48,5
M7 171 89 52
M5 207 108 52,2
K6 201 113 56,2
K4 117 67 57,3
M2 203 120 59,1
M1 150 89 59,3
M6 206 123 59,7
K5 210 139 66,2
K3 186 125 67,2
K1 188 129 68,6
K2 209 145 69,4
M3 211 169 80,1
M1 144 210 68,6

7. Empirical studies

The results obtained during the investigations both for empirical and computer methods are comparable, which could suggest that there is a possibility to create and further develop an effective automatic tool capable of recognizing emotions from speech signal. In experiment both amateur and professional speakers were used. The results show that unlikely to initial assumptions including professional speaker in investigations did not improve the recognition effectiveness – using his recordings in training sets in objective method gave good result in case of test set composed only of his own recordings. Additionally during empirical studies some amateur speakers were recognized with better effectiveness.

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